Saturday, April 21, 2012

Decisions Decisions

Another day at Lytton Gardens. John is so enjoying the p.t. there, but reevaluating whether one day of GREAT p.t. is worth 23 hours at "God's Waiting Room." He is constantly saying "I don't want to get old and end up in a place like this" even though the staff is caring and very kind it's still been very hard on him seeing people in wheelchairs sleeping and his roommate who is 92 talking about wanting to go home. He is talking about coming back to HMB after the. drain is removed on Tuesday. We can take him up to the club each day for p.t. and he will definitely have some input on food when I am cooking. Bernie and I have been bringing lunch each day and Jane and Mike from O.C. have brought dinner the last two nights. After one dinner we decided that lunch and dinner will be provided by family and friends. We can't get in early enough to bring breakfast, but at least he is getting two edible meals. Guess old folks don't care what they eat but we care about what he is eating. All in all it's not as bad as I thought it would be and they really trying to accommodate his needs. Part of the problem is that the population is at least 35 years older than John and their needs are different. Tomorrow is another day and John will be making his decision about whether he will stick it out or vote to go home - hopefully the later. Mom

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